Other Business Divisions
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The mission of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is to lead the IRS's financial management operations with integrity and accountability and provide expert planning, sound financial advice, and excellent customer service.
Chief of Staff (COS)
The COS supports the commissioner and provides financial and program support to the commissioner's component offices.
Communications & Liaison (C&L)
Support the IRS mission by building relationships and understanding between IRS and its stakeholders through effective information sharing. Our Communications Division includes National Media Relations, Field Media Relations, Internal Communications, Technical Communications, Visual Education and Communication and Social Media branches. Our Legislative Affairs Division includes Congressional Affairs and Legislation & Reports branches. Our National Public Liaison includes Liaison & Tax Forum and Stakeholder Relationship Management branches.
Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management Office (ED&CM)
Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management Office (ED&CM) is an integral part of the IRS with the unique mission to enhance the taxpayer and employee experience by improving business processes and modernizing systems through two critical initiatives: Digitalization and Enterprise Case Management. ED&CMO addresses IRS’s need to modernize and consolidate many aging legacy systems. It empowers taxpayers and IRS employees to rapidly resolve issues in a simplified digital environment by drawing on leading industry practices to identify what combination of business processes and technology work best for IRS customers and employees.
Facilities Management & Security Services (FMSS)
The Facilities Management and Security Services (FMSS) Division is a support services provider organization charged with providing nationwide facilities and security services for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). With a budget of almost $1 billion, we manage over 26 million square feet of space at approximately 600 locations throughout the United States.
Human Capital Office (HCO)
The HCO mission is to make IRS an employer of choice and a leader in human capital planning and management. It develops strategies and tools for recruiting, hiring, developing and retaining a highly skilled and high performing workforce to support the IRS mission.
IRS Direct File
The Office of Direct File is responsible for delivery and oversight of the Direct File service that provides taxpayers with a new option to file their individual federal tax returns online for free, directly with the IRS. Giving taxpayers an additional filing option with Direct File strengthens the tax filing system and fits squarely into our effort to make taxes as easy and accessible as possible. Permanent positions include engineers, product developers, data scientists, technical tax experts, management and program analysts, customer support representatives, and digital and customer experience analysts.
Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO)
The OCRO oversees both the Enterprise Risk Management (ERO) and the Enterprise Audit Management (EAM) programs. The ERM program provides a strategic framework to effectively deal with risk across the agency. The EAM program provides a collaborative enterprise approach to the IRS Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)/Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit management process.
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is responsible for all matters related to tax practitioner misconduct, discipline and practice before the IRS under Circular 230 (31 CFR Subtitle A, Part 10, Regulations Governing Practice before the Internal Revenue Service).
Online Services (OLS)
Online Services is uniquely poised to help deliver digital solutions to taxpayers at all stages of the tax process. Whether finding ways for taxpayers to track the progress of their refund, find options for paying additional taxes due, or managing their own account on IRS.gov, Online Services is here to help.
Privacy, Government Liaison & Disclosure (PGLD)
PGLD preserves public confidence by advocating for the protection and proper use of sensitive information. We prevent identity theft and unauthorized disclosures by ensuring proper access and authentication.
Return Preparer Office (RPO)
The Return Preparer Office (RPO) oversees Preparer Tax Identification Numbers (PTINs), enrollment programs, IRS approved continuing education providers, and the Annual Filing Season Program for tax return preparers.
Taxpayer Experience Office (TXO)
The goal of the TXO is to create a positive experience for taxpayers while helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities.
Transformation & Strategy Office (TSO)
TSO leads efforts to deliver the IRS transformation vision, which includes transformation of service, compliance, data, technology, human capital, culture, governance, and organization.
Whistleblower Office (WO)
The vision of the Whistleblower Office (WO) is to provide fair treatment for whistleblowers and taxpayers, and support to IRS efforts to apply tax laws with integrity and fairness.